The Minority Recreational Leadership Academy (MRLA) has been formed to provide support to recreational professionals in regard to career advancement, academic empowerment, internships, and mentoring. The academy is dedicated to the promotion of higher education, arts, and science for minorities as part of the overall struggle for racial equity through parks and recreation. The academy is led by scholars with diverse academic backgrounds as it applies to the field of parks and recreation.
These scholars coordinate and organize forums that address current industry topics, educational sessions, programming, professional development, networking opportunities, and the advancement of academic subject matter. The academy's constitution is defined as "an organization of recreational leaders that includes administrators, maintenance personnel, athletic programmers, authors, scholars, professors, and those distinguished in other walks of life for the promotion of Parks and Recreation.
Our mission is to promote professional development and education through literature, networking, and academic study for minorities in the field of parks and recreation.
Our Vision is to develop an atmosphere of mentorship and communication for minority recreational professionals and students. We want to be a positive impact on our membership as we move towards our goal of being an educational resource towards career advancement.
The MRLA looks to serve as an educational resource for minorities that strive to serve in leadership roles in the field of parks and recreation.